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Great Lot in Niagara Falls, NY
Quick FACTS about the Lot:
1862 Pierce Ave. Niagara Falls, NY 14301 (Niagara County)
10 mins to downtown Niagara Falls, NY
26 mins to Downtown Buffalo, NY
30 mins to Niagara Falls, Canada and Rainbow Bridge Canada
4,029 SqFt. - 0.09 acres - 32.49’ Frontage - 124ft depth - Buildable, Yes!
Zoned Residential for Single or Multi Family Build
Avg. Rent in Area $750/month a 16% increase from last year >
CASH price of $3,995 OBO, owner financing available.
Call or text Terri for details - ‪(716) 406-8798‬
GPS Cords: 43.101945991074196, -79.03722976578456
Property taxes for this lot in recent history has been around $47.00 per year.
Nearby Attractions:
Famous Niagara Falls, Lake Erie, and the Niagara River
Albright Knox Art Museum
Buffalo Zoo and Science Museum
Canalaside Inner and Outer Harbors, tons of water sports
Riverworks & Larkinville
With a CASH price of $3,995 OBO, this lot is priced below market.
Owner financing is available.
Call or text Terri for details - ‪(716) 406-8798‬
The cheapest lot you can find in this area is listed here: click me to more expensive listing
Here is a link to the lot via Google maps click me to see map
Ready to buy? Call or text: ‪(716) 406-8798‬
Want more info? read on!
Make sure you contact me today or risk losing out on a beautiful property that's going for an unbelievable price.
So, when you are ready to move toward owning this great lot all you have to do is contact me below, and I will get you all set up.
Call or Text Terri -(716) 406-8798‬
Go see the lot at any time, it's easy to get to from Pierce Ave.
I take a variety of payments and can have the property in your name in 2 business days
APN: 291100 144.65-3-75
Acres: .095 acres / 4,170 sq.ft. / 30ft frontage x 139 ft depth Lot - Buildable - Yes! ​
GPS: 42°53'54.2"N 78°50'27.6"W 42.898397, -78.840986
County: Niagara County
State: NY
Address: 1862 Pierce Ave. Niagara Falls, NY 14301
All that tract or parcel of land, situate in the City of Niagara Falls, County of Niagara and State of New York, being a part of Lot 38 Mile Reserve according to a Plan of the northeast part of Lot #38 Mile Reserve in the Village of Suspension Bridge (now City of Niagara Falls) as laid out in Building Lots for J. F. Schoellkop by W.C. Johnson, C. E. and filed in Niagara County Clerk's Office August 29, 1887 in Book 2 of Maps page 277 and now in Book 2 of Microfilmed Maps at page 160 and part of Lot 22, Township 13, Range 9, according to a map of Building Lots in the Town of Niagara (now City of Niagara Falls) being part of Lot 22, Township 13, Range 9 as subdivided for Warner Bros, D. & L.S> Silberberg by W.C. Johnson, C. E. and filed page 48, now in Book 2 of Microfilmed Maps page 101, being part of Sublot 95 on the first map and part of Sublot 147 on the second map, bounded and described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point in the north line of Pierce Avenue (formerly East Pierce Street), 578.2 feet east from the intersection of the easterly line of Eighteenth Street with the northerly line of Pierce Avenue, measured along said northerly line of Pierce Avenue: THENCE in an easterly direction along the northerly line of Pierce Avenue 63.49 feet; THENCE in a northerly direction on a line which forms an exterior angle with Pierce Avenue of 90 05', 124 feet to an alley of said alley and on a line parallel with the north line of Pierce Avenue 64.685 feet; THENCE, extending in a southerly direction, 124 feet to a point in the northerly line of Pierce Avenue which is the point or place of beginning.
Maps URL: click me to see map
Town: City of Niagara Falls https://www.niagaracounty.com/
Yearly Taxes: $47.00
Zoning: Residential-Vacant Land Planning and Zoning Call - (716) 286-4470 Website: https://niagarafallsusa.org/government/city-departments/planning-and-environmental/
Restrictions: R2-B Residential
High Density: This sub-district is intended primarily for residential
development in the form of one- and two-family dwellings with a
maximum density of twenty-two (22) units per acre.
Nearby Towns: 10 mins to Niagara Falls Falls and Casino, 26 mins to Buffalo, NY, 30 mins to Canada
Buildable: Yes! abide by city restrictions, and only registered contractors with the state of NY can build
Water: Yes, Handle by the City call 905-356-7521 ext. 4347 https://niagarafalls.ca/city-hall/finance/water-information.aspx
Sewer: Yes, Handle by the City call 905-356-7521 ext. 4347 https://niagarafalls.ca/city-hall/finance/water-information.aspx
Electric Utilities:
Yes, Available at the street handled by Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc.
P. (905)-356-2681
E. info@npei.ca
W. www.npei.ca/
Yes, contact Enbridge Gas
P. (877)-362-7434
E. None
W. https://www.enbridgegas.com/
Access: Highway 190
ZIP Code: 14301
Schools: Niagara Falls Schools
Views: Residential Street and Houses
RV Status: No RV Homes allowed
Camp Status: No
Flood Zones: No, not in a flood zone
Wetlands: No, not in a wetland