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Great Lot in Buffalo, NY
1254 West Ave, Buffalo, NY 14213
Great location VACANT Land lot in up and coming area near the Niagara River.
This is a residential lot located on Buffalo's Westside zoned for Single or Multifamily. Close to locations such as the Gypsy Parlor, Roost, Sports City Pizza Pub, schools, Shopping, & much more. This lot is perfect for development! Ready to build - All Utilities Available at the street. Slab or Foundation Tiny Homes are allowed with City approvals.
Quick FACTS about the Lot:
Minutes from the Niagara River, Elmwood Village, Restaurants and Amenities
13 mins to Downtown Buffalo, NY
3 mins to Buffalo State College
10 mins to Olmstead’s Delaware Park and Albright Knox Art Museum
11 mins to Canalside Inner and Outer Harbors/Larkinville/Buffalo Zoo/Walden Galleria Mall
34 mins to Niagara Falls, NY and Rainbow Bridge Canada
0.071 acres / 3,120 SqFt. / 26ft frontage x 120 ft depth - Buildable, Yes!
Build Single or Multifamily Home on this lot - The average rent for an apartment in Buffalo is $1,146/month
CASH Price of $17,495 OBO
GPS Cords: 42°55'27.8"N 78°53'46.4"W 42.924389, -78.896219
Property taxes for this lot in recent history has been around $24.19 per year.
Nearby Attractions:
Walk to nearby restaurants and bars
Famous Niagara Falls, Lake Erie, and the Niagara River
Albright Knox Art Museum
Buffalo Zoo and Science Museum
Canalside Inner and Outer Harbors, tons of water sports
Riverworks & Larkinville

With a CASH price of $17,495OBO, this lot is priced below market.
County accessed this lot at $21,931 market value.
Call or text Terri for details - ‪(716) 406-8798‬
The cheapest lot you can find in this area is listed here: click me to more expensive listing

Here is a link to the lot via Google maps click me to see map
Ready to buy? Call or text: ‪(716) 406-8798‬
Want more info? read on!

Make sure you contact me today or risk losing out on a beautiful property that's going for an unbelievable price.
So, when you are ready to move toward owning this great lot all you have to do is contact me below, and I will get you all set up.
Call or Text Terri -(716) 406-8798‬
Go see the lot at any time, it's easy to get to from West Ave.
I take a variety of payment types.
APN: 140200 88.74-1-17
Acres: 0.071 acres / 3,120 SqFt. / 26ft x 120ft - Buildable - Yes! ​
GPS: 42°55'27.8"N 78°53'46.4"W 42.924389, -78.896219
County: Erie County
State: NY
Address: 1254 West Ave, Buffalo, NY 14213
SubDivision: East Niagara
Maps URL: click me to see map
Town: Buffalo
Yearly Taxes: $24.19
Zoning: Residential-Vacant Land
Restrictions: Zoning Classification - 311 N-4-30
Property Class: R - Res vac land Class 311 N-2R Single Family
Zoning Ordinace Document - https://www.buffalony.gov/DocumentCenter/View/2107/Unified-Development-Ordinance-PDF?bidId=
Slab or Foundation Tiny Homes are allowed with City Approvals and Variances
Nearby Towns: 3 mins to Buffalo State College
10 mins to Olmstead’s Delaware Park Albright Knox Art Museum
11 mins to Canalside Inner and Outer Harbors/Larkinville/Buffalo Zoo/Walden Galleria Mall
13 mins to downtown Buffalo, NY
Buildable: Yes! abide by city restrictions, and only registered contractors with the state of NY can build
Water/Gas: Yes, Handle by Buffalo Water Call 716-847-1065 https://buffalowater.org/
Sewer: Yes, City Sewers at the street call 716-851-4664 https://buffalosewer.org/how-we-can-help-you/
Electric Utilities: Yes, Call National Grid 800-322-3223 https://callmepower.com/directory/ny/buffalo#:~:text=Buffalo
Access: Route 33 and Highway 190
ZIP Code: 14213
Views: Grassed Lot With Front Fence On Residential Street
RV Status: No RV Homes allowed
Camp Status: No
Flood Zones: No, not in a flood zone
Wetlands: No, not in a wetland