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Sunsnap Vacant Land
Great Lot in Tulsa, OK
Contact us for similar lots in Tulsa
Quick FACTS about the Lot:
Lot at E 33rd St N, Tulsa, OK 74110 (Tulsa County)
12 mins to downtown Tulsa, OK
11 mins from Tulsa Intl Airport
0.16 acres / 7,000 sq ft - Buildable - Yes!
50ft Street Frontage x 140ft Deep
With a CASH price of $5,950.00 per lot OBO, this lot is priced below market.
County accessed this lot at $8,000 market value.
Call or text Terri for details - ‪(716) 406-8798‬
The cheapest lot you can find is in this area is listed here: click me to more expensive listing
Here is a link to the lot via Google maps click me to see map
Ready to buy? Call or text:‪(716) 406-8798‬
Want more info? read on!

Make sure you contact me today, or risk losing out on a beautiful property that's for an unbelievable price.
So, when you are ready to move toward owning this great lot all you have to do is contact me below, and I will get you all set up.
Call or Text Terri -(716) 406-8798‬
Go see the lot at any time, it's easy to get to from North Garrison Place road.
I take a variety of payments and can have the property in your name in 2 business days
APN: 02900-03-19-01900
Acres: 0.16 acres / 7,000 sq ft - Buildable - Yes!
50ft Street Frontage x 140ft Deep
GPS: 36°12'08.4"N 95°57'39.5"W
County: Tulsa County
State: OK
Address: E 33rd St N, Tulsa, OK 74110
Maps URL: click me to see map
Town: Tulsa, OK Learn about Tulsa here https://www.tulsacounty.org/
Yearly Taxes: $36.00
Zoning: Residential-Vacant Land
Restrictions: See Tulsa Planning and Zoning specifications here tulsaplanning.org/plans/TulsaZoningCode.pdf
Nearby Towns: Sand Springs, OK (18 miles), Owasso, OK (10 miles), Broken Arrow, OK (25 miles)
Buildable: Yes! abide by city restrictions, and only registered contractors with the state of OK can build
Get An Address: Easily apply for a street address with the city by calling INCOG 918-584-7526 https://www.tulsacounty.org/Tulsacounty/dynamic.aspx?id=14423
Water/Sewer: Yes! handled by the City of Tulsa OK (918) 596-9511 https://www.cityoftulsa.org/government/departments/finance/utilities/contact-utility-services/
Yes! the sewer line is nearby.
Utilities: Yes! Call Public Service Co of Oklahoma (888) 216-3523
Access: Road - Nearest Highway US RTE 66
ZIP Code: 74110
Views: Green grass flat lot
RV Status: No Mobile Homes allowed - Zoned Residential High-Density RS-3 - Manufactured Homes allowed special if approved
Camp Status: No